CORT Basic Lawyers Skills Training (BLST)


The Committee on Regional Training (CORT) is sponsoring an in-person Basic Lawyer Skills Training (BLST) for new legal services attorneys. BLST is the first in CORT's curriculum of skills trainings for legal services attorneys. This training is aimed at those with less than 18 months experience and its focus is the practical day-to-day skills of lawyering in the context of legal services work. Law graduates are welcome to attend. A case problem will be used to teach basic elements of interviewing, motion practice, discovery, negotiations and trial preparation. The training involves a combination of large group lectures, small group meetings and individual exercises. Attendees will also be required to prepare for exercises on their own time in the evenings during the training.



Columbus, OH 



Monday, November 18th (beginning at 10 a.m.) to

Wednesday, November 20th (ending by 4:00 p.m.).

A detailed agenda with all session times will be shared later.


Registrants are required to attend all dates and sessions of this training.  There are small group exercises, throughout the training, that rely on preassigned pairings and teams to be executed correctly. Registrants who miss sessions will detract from the experience of other participants. If you have calendar conflicts on the training dates, please work with your supervisor to find a colleague to cover your work obligations (court hearings, meetings, etc.).



CORT will apply for Ohio, West Virginia and Indiana CLE credits for this training.  In states that require New Lawyer Training CLE hours, CORT will apply for that type of CLE credit for this training.

Please log-in or check the listservs for registration.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE – September 27th at 5pm

There are a limited number of attendee seats for this training. Registering does not mean acceptance into the training. After registration closes, CORT will work with each state/program to select participants to attend the training.

Once admitted into the training, you will receive a confirmation email with more details about hotel accommodations.

Date and time






Skills Training

Interest Area
