First Friday Webinar - Assisting Clients with Crime Victim Compensation Applications under VOCA


Sarah Prout Rennie, an attorney and executive director of the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence, will discuss crime victims’ rights to compensation under the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). Every State administers a crime victim compensation program, which provides direct reimbursement to, or on behalf of, a crime victim for a variety of crime-related expenses. You will learn to identify and assist injured crime victims in applying for crime victim compensation funds.

Prior to joining the MCEDSV staff, Ms. Rennie was Executive Director for the Michigan Council of Women and Technology (MCWT) whose mission is to advance women and girls in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, particularly technology. She is former Executive Director of Blue Water Safe Horizons, Port Huron, and served as Litigation Director for Lakeshore Legal Aid for fifteen years. Ms. Rennie has been a trainer for MCOLES (Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards) on sexual assault and domestic violence since 2009, and is also a FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers) certified trainer on elder abuse. She is the author of numerous articles that have been included in the Michigan Family Law Journal on human trafficking, meeting the needs of rural LGBT survivors, elder abuse and child custody and domestic violence.

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Webinar (MI)


First Friday Webinar

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