Litigation Planning Training - Michigan
CORT is offering Litigation Planning in a state-specific format again this year. Ohio and Michigan will each offer one-day training sessions which will introduce litigation planning concepts including, element charts, trial notebooks, evidence considerations, and developing a theme and theory of a case. See the agenda on the next page.
Participation in Litigation Planning and completion of a trial notebook remain a prerequisite for attending the Trial Advocacy Skills Training (TAST). This year, TAST will be in Columbus, Ohio, August 10-15, 2015. Please note that participation in Litigation Planning does not guarantee you a place in TAST. Even though Litigation Planning is a prerequisite for TAST, it is designed as a self-contained training, so it will be useful for people who do not attend TAST. Also, attending this year’s training will meet the prerequisite for future TASTs.
The target audience for Litigation Planning is lawyers who are in their second year of practice.
Please see attached Agenda & Registration for more information
Date and time
Litigation Planning
Interest Area
Registration and Documents
For registration and documents, please Log in.